Semi-Practical Gifts For Weekend Stays, Friendly Coworkers, and New Apartments
Long Live Gift Guide 3/3
I hesitate to even call this a gift guide. I hope it’s a resource you can come back to when your boyfriend’s friend’s parents invite you to their chalet for the weekend or when you get a slack that you’re in a last-minute Secret Santa situation.

Not to discredit the following as thoughtful gifts. Never! But they’re not tied to the holidays or a festive feeling. Some of these could be cool as a housewarming present. Others work as something to say “thanks for dinner” when your friends invites you over for soup. If you’re fatigued by cashmere glove sets and gift sets, these semi-practical gifts feel usable, grounded, and like the exact sort of thing I love to unwrap as a staunch Midwesterner.
Lewis Zip Pouch Set
Lewis really does make the cutest baby stuff. But the childless among us can still partake in their beautiful pouches. I’ve been coveting this set of three pouches for…maybe eight years? They’re under $50 and feel like the ideal gift for the person will too many chords and beauty products.
Softie Ceramics
My closest friend from Bennington gave me one of Katie’s (Softie creator) trays for my birthday last year and it’s been displayed on my dresser with price ever since. I just think the world of everything Katie makes. AND she’s hosting a studio visit/sale at 2 E 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11218 on Saturday, December 7th, from 12pm-5pm, if you’d rather shop IRL.
Brightland Olive Oil
If there's one gift I simply can never receive enough of, it's olive oil. And I mean GOOD olive oil. My dear friend gifted me a bottle of Brightland (use this link for 10% off) olive oil as a dog sitting gift earlier this year, and since then, it's been my go-to. I also like bringing it over to houses where I know people don't drink, like me! I think I speak for the entire non-drinking community when I say The Duo ($74) beats a bottle of sparkling water as a hostess gift every time.
Vintage Wall Hanging Basket
I guess this is a more “know your audience” pick, but what if you have someone a hanging wicket basket filled with customized stationery tied in a bow?
For $20, this is the best nonalc wine you can buy. I always keep a bottle chilling at home and love bringing it over to celebrate with other friends who don’t drink.
Mirra Coffee
I think bringing a bag of coffee as part of your hostess gift is very chic. We love Mirra in our house.
Half Past Seven Petite Lettuce Leaf Vase
The size and shape of this vase feel so special. I’d pair with bodega flowers and a pack of sparkling water.
Kate McLeod Bath Pebbles
I’d include these in a care package for a friend who just had surgery, theoretically, but also, I tend to hoard them for myself. They transform any bath into a spa experience.
Velvet Striped Cushion
I always find buying pillows to be the biggest eye roll when it comes to decorating a space. They’re expensive! I love this little striped number and would gladly find a place for it if it was gifted to me.
Custom Cadence System
When it comes to traveling and toiletries, I’ve never been able to find my perfect fit. And I always end up leaving something at home by accident. Cadence has been on my radar for years, but until I got a custom pack of my own, I had ZERO idea how life-changing they really are. This is the perfect gift for the way it toes the line between practicality and beauty. The traveler in your life does not need another passport cover. They need a Cadence system. And use LONGLIVE15 for $15 off orders of $125+ which stacks on top of their site-wide holiday sale.
Bonilla a la Vista Potato Chips
There’s something about giving a tin of potato chips that feels so endearing.
TOAST Romanian Horezu Bowl
TOAST is one of my favorite brands for a lot of reasons. Their commitment to craftsmanship across categories is truly unmatched. And sometimes, despite beautiful designs and details, the pieces are way less than I’d imagine. This bowl is under $50!
The High Confectionary Chill Out Gummies
Bet you thought I was too uptight to partake? Wrong! These are my favs from my friend and her sister. The lime flavor is the best, but I love setting out all of then for people to try with dessert. They’re made to be snackable aka 10mg CBG, 5mg CBD, and 1mg THC for a calming effect.
Cowboy Boot Lighter Cover
This might be my platonic ideal of a Secret Santa gift. $15. Practical-ish. And cheeky!
Rainbow Tomatoes Garden
OG Long Live readers will recall when I famously wrote a letter in exchange for tinned fish. My ancestors would be so proud of my bartering skills. I think a box from Rainbow Tomatoes is a near perfect gift—for almost any occasion. Maybe just double check they’re into tinned fish first.
Masha Tea
This was recommended to me by my naturopath and now I feel like I see Masha everywhere. For good reason, too, it’s amazing tea.
Beeswax Candlesticks
My forever favorite semi-practical gift: a bunch of taper candles wrapped in a bow.
Toothbrush Holder
Something modern and cool and under $25 for your hard-to-please sister.
A lot of us know and love Framebridge at this point, but why not push the envelope with them this year? I framed my sister’s favorite pair of hand-me-down Levi’s once.
Dressmakers’ Fabric Scissors
I’ve had this exact pair since 2020 when I asked for them from Christian for a holiday gift. Cool new girlfriend vibes, am I right? Seriously, this is the best gift $30 can buy.
Blackwing Pencils
If you’re already on this beat, you get it. If not, give it to someone you love who loves to write longhand.
Ghia Holiday Host Box
Leave it to
. This might just be the smartest, easiest way to say “thank you” for overnight stays.House Book
Giving books can be tricky. My best advice? Read
or head into Three Lives + Co. for some incredible ideas and very polished wrapping. Otherwise, I think this book on interiors is pretty universal.Cheerie Lane Pro Popper Set
Popcorn is the universal love language. Send this to someone you wish you were cozying up with over the holidays.
Vintage Pendleton Blanket
Get it dry cleaned and then wrap it in a big ribbon. I’d give this to my brother who loves to camp. They last forever, so it’s special to source one secondhand.
Basmati Porcelain Butter Set
Two butter items in a row, but for good reason. Butter is universally beloved. And most of us use it multiple times a week! Why not upgrade their butter experience?
Dansk Butter Warmer
Another item I’ve wanted for almost a decade. My God, could it be any cuter? I would use for hot chocolate.
Sophie James Wine
Pro move: order a case of wine to the house your friend rented for her birthday to feel like the ultimate grown up.
P.NINA Venus Vessel
This is not cheap, but sometimes, you need an expensive vessel to send someone for officiating your wedding or hosting you in Mexico over New Year’s Eve.
Set Card Game
Another amazing Secret Santa option. I love this card game and I generally hate card games.
Ferm Day Tea Towel Set
Maturing is realizing a tea towel set with days of the week on the tags is amazing and the kind of thing my mom would die over in a holiday stocking.
This plus sparkling water equals me all holiday season long. I love bringing this over to my in-laws to have something on hand that’s fun to drink while being nonalc! Lily, the founder, is a pal and the best person. Good news—I have a 15% discount code?! ERIKAVEURINK
Beeswax Tea Light Candles
Taper candles really are that girl. What about pillar? Or tea lights? As long as its beeswax, I’m in.
Lily of The Valley Lampshade
You’d have to be pretty close with someone to give them…a lamp, but if you are, this is a great option under $100.
D.S. & Durga Portable XMas Tree
Staying in a hotel or rented house for the holidays? Bring one of these along for instant cheer.
Shea Butter Hand Cream
I hate to generalize, but I have to be honest—I’ve never met an aunt who doesn’t love this stuff.
Mackenzie-Childs Candlestick Holder
Mackenzie-Childs is so back it’s crazy.
Honorable Mentions
#ad Now's the time to stock up for the year ahead at Sephora. Starting tomorrow, 12/6, it's 20% off purchases and 30% off of Sephora Collection until 12/15 for Beauty Insiders. I'll be loading up on my favorite hand cream and the clips I throw in every bag. You can shop all the deals here.
We were talking about holiday cards in the chat! This is what I ended up choosing.
Really good episode on book recs from
.Thank you for reading Long Live. It means so much to me. You can shop my favs here, follow along on Instagram + Tiktok, and shop my Notion template. Get matched at EV Salon. And if you want to partner on a future Long Live, email x
I have had that Dansk butter warmer on my list for what feels like forever! Crossing my fingers 2024 is the year it lives on my stovetop.
I've had the Set card game since I was a kid omgggg blast from the past :)